Teacher's Pet

Size | Volume:7'0" | 66 L
Pickup currently unavailable at Huntington Beach Warehouse


The Teacher’s Pet is made-to-learn
This range of boards is designed by some of the best surf instructors from around the globe. These are shapes specifically designed for first-timers to paddle out on, either with an instructor or as a private owner.

Accentuated front- and rear rockers make this board paddle easy and the extra “spoon”  is going to take the drop better than most boards out there (no more beginners nose digging or “wheelies”). A “Learn-to-Surf” setup with its positioning marks for paddling, hand placement, and ultimately foot placement is an instructor favorite as it takes the guesswork and bad habits out of the learning process.

The board comes with super flexible 3x bolt-through fins that track perfectly while turning with ease on the wave. Easy to mount and detach, instructors love the ability to work with their boards on the beach without damaging or bending any fins.


Teacher's Pet size chart

Length Width Thickness Volume Weight
7'0" 22 ¹/²" 3 ¹/⁴" 66 L 5.39kg
8'4" 23 ¹/²" 3 ³/⁴" 93 L 7.07kg
10'0" 24 ¹/²" 3 ¹/²" 123 L 11.20kg


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About NSP

NSP was born in 2001 from the vision of Bruce “Buzz” Hansen, a life-long surfer, skater and all round waterman. While working on Maui as a custom surfboard builder, Buzz had an epiphany about producing affordable, versatile, durable and great performing surfboards. Thus, NSP was born.

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